Best UK Database Server

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A UK Database Server is a service that exists on a server to make it easy for companies to store information. The information stored on a UK Database Server can vary between storing the sensitive information from their customers to storing a collection of product details and items. If you’re looking for similar online services like UK Database Servers, consider our Data Security or Application Server categories.


Database Server

Your website hosted in our multi-million pound data-centre. We use Windows 2008 and IIS7.5 on all our servers . 1000 MB Web space for your domain name (Special Offer now 2000 MB !! ). 500 POP3 e-mail accounts and auto responders. Unlimited e-mail forwarding . Hosted on.. Learn more about NT-Webspace.

Serchen Index

Database Server

We are currently waiting for our team of software specialists to complete their research on Tollon. A more detailed breakdown of their services and company reviews are currently available on their profile page. Learn more about Tollon.

Serchen Index