E-Max Systems

E-Max Systems Reviews

Serchen Index

4 Reviews

E-Max Systems Reviews



4 Reviews

Last reviewed on
12 June 2024

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Monday, June 17, 2024

Verified Review

We are yet another customer that couldn't get the system to work after ploughing in over £100k and probably the same value in internal resource. The system is in no way ready as a full ERP/MRP, do not be fooled by the sales patter or the demos as once you get live data into the system it is horrendous, slow, not customisable. I disagree with the other 1 star review - their support is shocking, they are only concerned about the next piece of income, surely this business will fail and then you will be left with an unsupported ERP - we had high hopes - we have been left with a truly dreadful experience.

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Value for Money

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Saturday, February 17, 2024

Verified Review

Obviously given our rating, our overall experience was not good and we would not recommend this system to other manufacturing businesses such as our own. Perhaps the older system may have worked but we already operated a system with similar functionality so made no sense for us. After taking the decision to abandon the implementation we have also found the senior management to be quite elusive to further discussions.

Pros: All though we, like others in our area, decided to abandon the E-Max implementation (after around 18 months) there were some positives. The support team in Glasgow were found to be very responsive and did try very hard to sort issues, however, were many time let down by the basic system therefore leading to an unsatisfactory outcome. Also sometimes their 'fixes' would address the issue you were encountering (be it stock losses or incorrectly transacting) but alot of the time they would force stock through in the background code and create issues down the line with the finance module and report incorrect figures.

Cons: Put simply, after 18 months of trying, we and E-Max could not get this system to work in our business. at around 9 months the technical director personally took hold of our system and eventually we offered them 6 re-attempts at configuring the system and getting this to work, however, every new system failed testing in some fairly critical ways (either stock control or accounting being the main factors). We were unique in that we have three brands under our our group company and I do believe this may have been a contributing factor to the eventual withdrawal. However, at quotation we were assured this would not be an issue. Additionally were are in conversations with another 4 businesses who are more simple in their set up and they found similar issues and have either pulled the implementation or reverted to the older E-Max system which does seem to work much better but is not a true ERP solution.

Overall Rating

Ease of Use


Value for Money

Customer Support

Likely to Recommend

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Monday, May 20, 2019

Being a Bespoke Manufacturing Company Emax tailored the system to suit our needs. The staff are very friendly and responsive. It holds a big volume of data and analysis all in one place. We can time manage and have live access to our work in hand.

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Thursday, May 16, 2019

We have been working with E-Max for over 20 years , they have helped us grow significantly , with the development of their systems and ours . Their flexibility and enthusiasm for manufacturing processes , has strengthened our own abilities and increased our capabilities.

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