Cloud Next Ltd

Cloud Next Ltd

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What is Cloud Next Ltd?

We provide web hosting for WordPress, reseller website hosting, VPS and domains. Our service and platforms are fast, secure, UK based SSD hosting with free SSL and 100% 24/7 UK support. We are based in Derby, UK and have been providing hosting since 2008. We offer a dedicated WordPress platform with WordPress tools, staging platform, StackCache and built-in security auto-updates. Linux and Windows platforms are also available on all packages and a free website transfer service is available. 30 day timeline backups, 10GB mailboxes, 70+ one click installs, DDoS protection and malware scanning included - security as standard and free. Start your hosting adventure with Cloud Next for just £3.99 per month - First month only £1.

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Cloud Next Ltd Reviews



45 Reviews

Last reviewed on
05 July 2018

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Friday, July 6, 2018

Verified Review

Terrible! Would not recommend their service at all.

My website was down for unspecified number of days! This is after they urged me to change the DNS records. I followed exactly the instructions and checked the website, everything was working ok afterwards. Then a few weeks after this, I found my website was down. Contacted their support, turns out the "technical support" wouldn't even read my message properly, using the "IT crowd" type of stereotypical tactic to fob me off. Didn't even know what version of .net framework my website was running on, which could be easily found out by a quick look at web.config file. Anyone with some basic web dev experience would know that! The saga took 12 days and many back and forth tickets/messages to get them fix it. I asked them to find out about how long my website was down for, surely they would have logs? But guess what, there's no logs and they couldn't tell me how long the outage lasted! And when asked for compensation they wouldn't compensate for the losses caused.

Now given this outrageous experience, I wanted to cancel my contract with them after it's due for a renewal! Can't believe they had the cheek to ask for the renewal... But I was a day late in cancellation. I did actually cancel the payment authorisation, direct debit but somehow they still managed to snatch another year's payment off me. When I raised this with them and they again, fobbed me off using their T&C small prints as excuses...

Really dodgy host.

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Monday, August 1, 2016

This company sucks, my site has been down for 3 days since they upgraded their servers to Linux. Which was a bad move seeing as none of their support staff seem to know how to use it. Avoid at all costs.

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Monday, July 11, 2016

I have used Cloud Next for the last 3 years. I think what has struck me most was the speed of their support. They always provide a quick resolution to any issues (mostly my fault!) and are always thoughtful in their response (for a technophobe!) I have recommended to friends and would recommend always to others.

6 of 7 people found this review helpful.
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Monday, July 11, 2016

We needed some hosting and a domain name for our new business and after getting a recommendation from a friend we signed up with Cloud Next.

The help we received from the sales team before the signup was excellent, you could actually speak to someone in the UK!

After signup contacting the support team was very easy and the replies were very quick.

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Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Verified Review

Strange to see some of the negative reviews, I have about 20 domains registered and hosted with Cloudnext and I have not had the level of problems that others mention. There have been issues, but Cloudnext always respond quickly, and downtime has been minimal - certainly no worse than other hosts I have used. In fact I have moved almost all sites I have now to Cloudnext as I find them far easier to deal with than others I have used.

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Friday, February 12, 2016

Verified Review

Dont expect your website to be running often. They have frequent downtimes, often for days at a time. This week our site has been down for three days, due to a 'service issue' - no explanation. No sign of the service being fixed. Just no website and no access to it for 3 days. Thy simply aren't up to the job of hosting websites. Dont let the cheap hosting prices tempt you.

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Friday, January 9, 2015

Surprised as some of the recent reviews going on about appalling and such. Have tried several hosting cos over the years and I have been with Cloud Next for around 2 years now and currently have 20 websites with them. Found them really helpful all of the time. Quick response which sometimes is like almost being on a conversation they are so good.
Seems strange to me that the last couple of reviews are so poor since this is not at all the service that I have experienced.
And just to be clear - NO I do not work for or have any relationship with them except for them hosting my websites.

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Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Our website went down sometime before 22.23 on 18 October. We contacted CloudNext then. There was no response from Cloud Next until 08.41 the following morning despite their promised 24/7 support. Through the day, response times were extremely slow and by 17.06 the problem was still not resolved. by 19.30 there was no response from the so-called 24/7 support. Finally, they got in touch 9am the next day.This is appalling and totally unacceptable. Since then, we have made numerous attempts to contact them all of which are completely ignored. To make things worse, they ask review sites to withdraw negative reviews.

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Friday, November 28, 2014

I wish I could give less than one star!! Appalling company. I have a website hosted with this so called web hosting company and it's been problems after problems. My website is an online shop that is constantly down, last week the shop was down for 4 days!!! I kid you not. So I have all these adverts put out that I am paying for via pay per click, people click, can't access the website and I pay for the pay per click charges. The website finally comes back online on Tuesday evening and oh we are down again on Friday - this the biggest retail weekend that is Black Friday! So we are fade up and try to transfer to another company who fail to migrate the website because guess what?! Cloud next has suspended the website. All my products, cart and entire website is gone. Talking to their customer support via tickets is like talking to robots.
So here I am, out of pocket on advertising, no working website on the biggest retail weekend of the year and no idea if we will have to start building the website from scratch. I am absolutely livid!!!! I am going around posting this review on anything cloud next and hopefully save a poor from using this dreadful company.

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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

CloudNext promise 24/7 support but don't deliver on that promise. In August 2014, we waited 4 hours for a response to a support ticket. In October 2014 we waited 10 hours for the initial response. This was followed by slow response times all day and it took 22 hours to resolve an issue which should have been solved in 2 hours.

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